The Philippine Association of Plastic, Reconstructive and Aesthetic Surgeons (PAPRAS) conducted a workshop on liposuction last Saturday, November 18, 2006. A series of lectures were given on various topics: history and development of liposuction, current liposuction techniques, new technologies, particularly the new Erchonia laser, and autologous fat injection into the facial muscles for facial rejuvenation. The program also included an actual live liposuction demonstration on a female patient regarding, with particular focus on surgical planning, preoperative use of the new Erchonia laser on the target areas for liposuction, and surgical techniques.
Of particular interest to the participants was the aforementioned Erchonia laser. It is a laser with low-level (or cold) output with no thermal effect which will destroy tissues. It is purported to actually emulsify fat tissues. When used just prior to liposuction, it supposedly makes the removal of fatty tissues during liposuction significantly easier and quicker. Clinical trials showed that patients have less pain immediately following surgery. More fat can be removed per minute using the Erchonia laser, which means shorter time for doing the liposuction. No complications such as burning of tissues, seromas or other side effects were reported in the clinical trial.
PAPRAS is the only association of plastic surgeons that is formally recognized by the Philippine College of Surgeons. It is dedicated to upholding the highest standards of surgical excellence in the field of reconstructive and cosmetic plastic surgery in the Philippines. Thus, it regularly conducts workshops on various areas of interest in the field of plastic surgery in order to promote continuing surgical education among its members.